Announcing the Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. But my heart – and yours – deserves better than the usual artery-clogging fare. I’m out to prove that you can enjoy an amazing feast this Thanksgiving, without all of the saturated fat and salt. This is my Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge, and you’re invited to participate – and maybe even win a great holiday cookbook!
Food Bloggers: Simply make a healthy Thanksgiving dish using my 10 Tips for a Heart-Healthy Thanksgiving as your guide (not hard and fast rules), then post it on your blog. Link to this page and download the Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge badge for your post or sidebar. Be sure to leave a comment below with a link to your post, and I’ll include you on a roundup of participants on November 22. I’ll also throw your name into the hat for the giveaway of Myra Kornfeld’s The Healthy Hedonist Holidays
or Vegan Holiday Kitchen by Nava Atlas
(your choice – winner will be selected randomly, on November 25.)
Non-bloggers: Post a comment below about how you plan to lighten up your Thanksgiving menu. I’d love to hear your ideas … whether you’re just using soy milk in your mashed potatoes or have a devious plan to fool your family into eating vegan stuffing. One commenter will be randomly chosen for a second book.
10 Tips For A Heart-Healthy Thanksgiving
1. Say no to butter, heavy cream and full-fat cheese
Instead of butter – or heaven forbid, shortening – make heart-healthy choices like extra virgin olive oil, high-oleic safflower oil, organic canola oil or macadamia nut oil. This goes for the outside of the turkey, sautéing vegetables, enriching stuffing, and baking pies (see Tip #9). To replace heavy cream in soups or sauces, try evaporated skim milk or MimicCreme. Fat-free yogurt and sour cream can be used in mashed potatoes, creamy dips, soups, sauces and more. If a recipe calls for whole milk, use skim, soy or almond milk. There are many reduced-fat cheeses available, and fat-free ricotta and feta are surprisingly good (albeit processed, hypocritically violating Tip#10.)
2. Ditch the fatty meats
Sausage stuffing? Bacon-wrapped turkey? No, you really don’t the extra saturated fat on this already-decadent day. For your stuffing, consider crumbled Field Roast vegetarian sausages (although they are super high in sodium, so use sparingly). The smoked apple variety is particularly well suited for Thanksgiving. Wild mushrooms (fresh or dried) can also lend a wonderfully meaty flavor. Smoked paprika can add a bacon-y taste, too. And if you’re cooking a turkey, be sure to remove any extra globs of fat before you roast (leave the skin on of course, but don’t eat it.)
3. Use whole grains
Less white flour = fewer empty calories and carbs. White whole wheat flour and whole wheat pastry flour are superior substitutes. Use them for your baking, and try whole grain breads for your stuffing. Find ways to work in whole grains like quinoa and barley into the meal – there’s no rule that stuffing has to be made with bread, and gluten-free folks will appreciate an alternative, too.
4. Look beyond the turkey
If there are any vegetarians at your table, they deserve more than a plain hunk of tofu. With vegetarian entrees that serve as centerpieces in their own right, you’ll have hardcore meat eaters straying from the turkey platter. Festive stuffed pumpkin or squash, smoky maple seitan sausages, wild mushroom strudel … the possibilities are endless.
5. Cut down on the salt
Start with one third the amount that would be used in a traditional recipe (except for baking recipes) and go from there. You’ll be surprised that you don’t miss the excessive amount. Use lemon juice to brighten the flavors of vegetables, which will reduce the need for salt. If you are using commercial broths, be sure to look for the lowest sodium brands you can find.
6. Watch the sugar
Sure you’re going to eat pie this Thanksgiving, and I’m all for that (as long you follow the guidelines below – see Tip #9). But to make up for it, reduce or eliminate the sugar in other places, such as in your sweet potatoes and cranberries. Try chopping and roasting sweet potatoes with savory herbs and spices instead of making a traditional sugary sweet casserole, and serve a less-sweet (but no less delicious) cranberry sauce. Bring sweetness to the table with naturally sweet vegetables like beets and with fresh fruit in salads. And remember, sugars also come from carbs, so do yourself a favor and don’t serve bread with your meal. It’s really the last thing you need, especially with bread stuffing.
7. Go overboard on vegetables
Mashed potatoes don’t count, people! Instead of one vegetable side dish, why not serve four or five? Green salads are often missing on the Thanksgiving table, and it’s a shame – bitter greens like watercress, arugula and radicchio are holiday naturals, especially when combined with seasonal fruits and nuts. Be sure to make some superstar vegetables like kale, brussels sprouts and broccoli so you can load up on antioxidants. Remember, the more vegetables on your plate, the less carbs and sugar you’ll eat during the meal. And speaking of mashed potatoes, try replacing half the potatoes with more nutritious vegetables like cauliflower, carrots or even beets.
8. De-fat your gravy
If you’re a meat eater, turkey gravy is an essential. But it doesn’t have to be made with loads of turkey fat. Here’s the Mayo Clinic’s method for low fat turkey gravy. Of course, you can also make a rich, flavorful vegetarian gravy that will knock the meat eaters’ socks off.
9. Lighten up dessert
Pie is a holiday practically a requirement. But here are some guidelines. Fruit pies tend to be better choices, but it is also possible to make a heart-healthy pumpkin pie. Whatever pie you make, be sure the crust is heart-healthy and not full of butter or shortening. Use whole wheat pastry flour for at least half of the amount called for. Skip the step of dotting fruit pie fillings with butter, it is simply not necessary. Instead of a top and bottom crust, try a top-only crust – and if you cut it into rough pieces and patch it together, you’ve got a pandowdy. If you really want to lighten up your Thanksgiving dinner, baked apples are a delicious but often-ignored light dessert alternative.
10. Avoid processed foods
Processed foods tend to be high in salt, calories and unhealthy fats. Use Eating Rules’ October: Unprocessed guidelines: “If you pick up something with a label (and if it doesn’t have a label, it’s probably unprocessed), and find an ingredient you’d never use in your kitchen and couldn’t possibly make yourself from the whole form, it’s processed.”
Get the word out!
• Use Twitter (hastag #healthythanks) and Facebook to let people know about the Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge and my 10 Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving. Here’s the short link:
• Send the 10 Tips for a Heart-Healthy Thanksgiving to friends and family
• Put the Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge badge on your blog, Facebook page, email signature or anywhere else
Look forward to great recipes for a healthy holiday.
Of course, I will also be bringing you a number of new holiday recipes in the coming weeks, along with favorites from some of my healthy blogging buddies. With those recipes and the ones from other Challenge participants, I hope we’ll all have healthiest – and most delicious – Thanksgiving ever.
[…] here to read the rest: Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge | What Would Cathy Eat? Categories: Thanksgiving, Uncategorized Click here to cancel reply. Name […]
These are wonderful tips. I have a tendency to go really overboard with holidays and then I feel totally sick later, and kind of disgusted that I did that to myself. I think baked apples is a stunning desert option. Its very seasonal and comforting.
*kisses* HH
This sounds like a great idea! I can’t wait to be a part of it!
Sounds great and thank you for the heads-up, Cathy! I’m thinking my squash custard/souffle recipe might fit the bill for this, as well as what else I can come up with. In the meantime, I’ve linked this post on the Fiddleheads Food Co-op (New London CT) FB page:
Got your email and LOVE this idea!! Time to start brainstorming!!
I plan on doing a puree of parsnips and potatoes with plain almond milk instead of all potatoes and cream. I also plan on making individual pumpkin custards and foregoing pie crust.
Love the idea!!! Recipe on the way
Sounds like fun! I’ll have to think of a good recipe.
I just created a gluten-free Apple Strudel recipe that I’ll be making again for Thankgiving. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for including me; have a fabulous weekend!
So happy to have found your amazing and healthy blog and truly honored to be a part of this Challenge.
[…] I’m honored to have been invited to submit this recipe to my fellow blogger pal, Cathy’s Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge. […]
The 10 best Thanksgiving tips I’ve come across on the web. My favorite is Go overboard on vegetables. Thank you for that!! I found some others at for those who fanatically collect tips like I do.
Do you happen to know where I can find tips for a vegetarian Thanksgiving?
Glad you like the tips. In terms of vegetarian thanksgiving tips, I think most of these apply. You should also take a look at all the recipes I posted for last year’s Thanksgiving, there were some great ones. Just put “Thanksgiving” in my blog search bar.
Glad to have you. And I’m drooling over your strudel recipe. Will pass it on to my gluten-free friends…and all my friends, actually!
Cool. I am also going to make my potatoes with almond milk, and maybe cauliflower and parsnips. Great minds think alike. Thanks, Lisa!
Great to have you on board, Sheelbeel…
I’m in! And i have nothing right now. So please nag me via email so that I can follow thru with the commitment.
[…] This is my submission to this month’s Bookmarked Recipes, Healing Foods featuring vegetarian Thanksgiving dishes, and to Cathy’s Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge. […]
Hey Cathy, Here’s my entry and what I ate for Thanksgiving this year.
[…] a similar vein over at What Would Cathy Eat?, Cathy Elton has laid down another challenge: a Heatlhy Thanksgiving. Several of my family members have cut down our meat consumption (more on that in another post), […]
These collard greens with almonds and raisins are going to be on our Thanksgiving table!
Thanks, Janet. Ironically, when I was hospitalized recently, I sent my husband out to the Candle Cafe to get me this very dish. No hospital food for me!
[…] think so. That’s why she has issued a challenge: Make a healthy Thanksgiving dish using the 10 Tips for a Heart-Healthy Thanksgiving as your guide, and give your Thanksgiving dinner that healthy boost it […]
Love the tips, Cathy! I decided to skip the bread this year and made a quinoa/date/walnut stuffing instead. Enjoyed the challenge!
[…] was thrilled when my friend Cathy of What Would Cathy Eat invited me to participate in her Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge! Cathy’s challenge is all about making an amazingly delicious Thanksgiving feast, without a […]
My healthy Thanksgiving recipe! Apple Yam Soup with Shallot “Croutons!” Enjoy!
[…] few weeks ago, Cathy, the creator of the blog “What would Cathy Eat?,” challenged other bloggers to post a Thanksgiving recipe that might help inspire others to have […]
Cathy here’s my first entry:
here is my entree!
Here’s my contribution!
100% Whole Grain Pumpkin Gingerbread
Hey Cathy! Check out this fruit & veggie loaded side. It’s to die for
I’m so happy I stumbled upon your AMAZING blog! I’m definitely participating in this Healthy Thanksgiving challenge – will post this week!
[…] recipe is a great contender in Cathy’s Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge—check it out if you’re hoping to have a somewhat more sensible Thanksgiving this […]
[…] honored to have been invited to submit this recipe to my fellow blogger pal, Cathy’s Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge. Her top 10 list for a heart healthy thanksgiving should actually be used year round. Since I was […]
Hello Cathy — thank you for inviting me to submit a recipe for your challenge. Here’s my take on your #7 — go overboard with the veggies. Happy Thanksgiving Girl!
Hey Cathy!
Here’s my recipe – Pumpkin Salad with Spice Infused Coconut Cream Dressing
[…] am sending this salad as my entry to the ‘Healthy Thanks giving Challenge’ by Cathy of ‘What Would Cathy Eat’. I am also sending this to what it was actually created for […]
Hi Cathy – what a great idea to promote healthy eating this Thanksgiving! Here’s my entry for Feastie:
[…] I wanted to make this dish Thanksgiving-theme. (And, as luck would have it, Cathy is hosting a Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge, so this post is working the […]
so much fun! thanks for hosting this great blog challenge, cathy! : )
Made a great thanksgiving side! I posted it on my blog. It’s a potato, sweet potato and carrot mash. I used a couple tablespoons of low calorie margarine but that could be easily removed and replaced with a touch more non-fat milk to make it even healthier. Hope you like it!
[…] for the original recipe. And if this kind of dish interest’s you, take a look at the blog, What Would Cathy Eat? where she is doing a healthy Thanksgiving challenge to find more nutritional alternatives to […]
[…] this and loads of other great healthy and delicious recipes for Thanksgiving. Plus check out her Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge for hints, tips and ideas on eating healthy this holiday season!! Thanks Cathy […]
Post is up!
[…] Cathy Eat, for that one, because if it hadn’t been for her inviting me to take part in her Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge, it might never have occurred to me to create a special dish for […]
Hey Cathy! Better late than never… As promised, here is my entry. I seriously have to thank you for inviting me to take part in this challenge. Had it not been for you, I never would’ve come up with that sweet potato casserole, and that would have been a shame. This is now my ultimate favorite sweet potato dish, and I will have a thought for you every single time I have it in the future! Thanks a million!
No, thank YOU! I just tweeted about your amazing recipe.
Cathy! So great to meet you at the IFBC! Here is my submission for the Thanksgiving Challenge:
Also, here is my “5 Tips to Induce a Vegetarian Thanksgiving Food Coma post:
Thanks for the challenge!!
Thanks, Jillena. This looks amazing. And thanks for including a vegan alternative for the topping. If you get a chance, please link to the Challenge in your post. Thanks!
[…] the bisque into the Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge at! Take a moment, click here and take the Challenge! Tweet avocadocreme […]
[…] few weeks ago, Cathy from What Would Cathy Eat? contacted me about her Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge and I loved the idea. Thanksgiving is so often considered a holiday of excess, but for many people, […]
[…] not the only one challenging you to keep it healthy and real during the holidays. Cathy from What Would Cathy Eat has her Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge going on as well. Her story is remarkable and you’ll […]
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